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I Will Never be a Swinger

I told my ex-friend that I will never be a swinger. 

Now he won't stop writing to me

I am not that kind of person and made it clear that I do not want to hear from him. What can I do more?

Before closing, I had a friend I had been with for 16 months. He said he wanted to have sex with another couple, which I found shocking. I'm not that kind of person, so I broke up with him. Despite the breakup, he still sends me text messages constantly, although I stopped sending text messages to him long ago and made it clear that I didn't want to see him. The situation hurts me a lot, and any help you can give will be greatly appreciated.

Joining another couple for exciting pleasure is not uncommon; many people enjoy it. In fact, there are many communities of people who regularly participate in this sexual style. But this is not for everyone, and jealousy and insecurity can arise regardless of the extent of a person's sexual openness. "Swinging" is an advanced sexual game that requires the couple to be well connected and requires each partner to be psychologically stable and sexual mature.

Rules, transparency, careful negotiation and mutual consent are essential. In your case, you were perfectly clear with your friend that this did not quite suit your taste. A respectable person would have respected that. Unfortunately, he doesn't take "no" for an answer and tries to force you to change your mind.

Although you feel pain right now, it would be better to follow your intuition and stay away from it - not because of his special sexual interests, but because of his insensitivity and bullying. Ensure that any future partner is someone who considers your feelings and values important.

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